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Succession Planning

How do you ensure that your organization is prepared for whatever the future may bring?

Organizations mastering issues of succession planning achieve 45% higher workforce productivity and 40% higher revenue generation over their peers.

64 million baby boomers (40% of the workforce) are poised for retirement.

As part of Organizational Dynamics Consulting’s Corporate Performance Improvement Methodology (CPIM), the Succession Planning Model provides a structured, objective process to ensure “the right people on the bus, in the right seat, at the right time.”  (Jim Collins, Good to Great.)


Succession Planning Model-S

The combination of the Optimal Job Performance, Talent Measurement, and Leadership & Talent Development Models incorporates objectivity and accuracy to the Succession Planning Process.

These processes, customized to each client’s unique requirements, determine the key attributes necessary for success in the job.  They objectively evaluate each person’s skills, behaviors, motivators, emotional intelligence, and job structure needs to determine the level of readiness for promotion.

A wide range of developmental activities can then be used to engage leaders and extend their capabilities. The key is the creation of stretch developmental opportunities that are consistent with the organization’s needs, as well as with those of the individual. Individual Development Plans (IDPs) including formal mentor/protégée programs, coaching, action learning, temporary assignments, and job rotation are all used as part of this development program.  Reviewing and monitoring results are completed annually through facilitated discussions with each leader to review progress and determine next steps in their development.

Understanding the gap between what’s needed for success in the job and the person’s level of skills and attributes allows more accurate and predictable succession planning.  Bridging the gap with training and coaching helps these key people to meet current needs of the organization and be prepared in order to ensure the organization’s future success.


Learn more about how Organizational Dynamics Consulting can help your organization prepare for its future success. Contact us for a free consultation at [email protected] or 407-681-6300.