How do you help your employees be and stay productive, consistently?
Now that you have hired the right people, you need to help them perform at their best consistently. Research shows that the best run organizations do these three things well.
- Set clear, detailed job definitions and expectations (accountabilities) for their people.
- Align those accountabilities with the organization’s strategic focus.
- Acknowledge and reward employees’ efforts toward the first two.
Clear, detailed job definitions (what does “Great” look like in the job) allows employees to focus on becoming the very best at what they do (to achieve mastery). Company support, encouragement, and acknowledgment (celebrating success) provide positive reinforcement for these efforts to continue to grow.
Allowing employees the freedom to determine “How” they will achieve in their job, honors our inherent need for autonomy.
This combination creates an incredible sense of belonging that just can’t be achieved any other way.
Learn more about how Organizational Dynamics Consulting can help you achieve the highest levels of performance, engagement, and accountability. Contact us for a free consultation atinfo@orgdynconsulting.comor 407-681-6300.