I started my company in 1998. We, myself and my team, started out as a staffing company. I was fascinated with what made some people incredibly successful in their careers, while some stalled and others failed. I had the opportunity to watch people’s career choices over the next decade.
My fascination grew and expanded.
First it was teams. When people came together to form teams, why did some teams excel when others’ didn’t? What was different? What factors impacted this dynamic?
This then led me to the company level. What made companies successful? What was unique and special about these companies? How did people and teams tie into this bigger picture? What were the organizational dynamics that created sustainable success?
In 2006, I decided to shift the company focus from recruiting to consulting and coaching services, creating Organizational Dynamics Consulting. We took the expertise gained from understanding how to make perfect matches (people to jobs), why people stay and why they leave companies, and what companies need most from their people and expanded it. We expanded our expertise, adding people with a passion for what they do, new tools including assessments and certifications and then built
additional valued services.
Since the beginning, I have always felt very grateful for our success. It has been a real blessing to work with all the wonderful people I get to work with and to contribute to their lives in a meaningful way. These blessings I feel is important to share. As a staffing company, we formed “Techies with a Heart” to provide free IT consulting services to small non-profits. With the company shift in 2006, I wanted to expand this so we developed the Giving Back program. We pledge each year to contributes 10% of our net revenue in products and services to nonprofits and other volunteer opportunities.
I recently watched a Ted Talk by Margaret Heffernan that confirmed what my years of study had found. What builds extraordinary teams and companies is not what most people have been taught or have come to expect. It’s not an individual superstar contributor or leader. It’s the leaders, teams and individuals who are gifted (or have learned) social cohesion along with emotional intelligence. The ability to understand yourself, understand others, be inclusive, and be curious and open. To value everyone’s contribution and honor their unique contributions along with your own.
I feel honored to celebrate over twenty years of serving our clients, as a trusted advisor and strategic partner in their success. I am very grateful to you, our clients, partners, and team who have made this all possible.
Thank you!
Mary Homan